Leave No Trace userscript

Leave No Trace

Forked by: janandreiiii

What is a browser fingerprint

Browser fingerprinting is a technique where a browser or device can be identified based on various characteristics, such as screen resolution, color depth, installed plugins, supported mime types, timezone offset, etc. These values are passed through a hashing function to produce a unique fingerprint that can identify a specific browser or device. This process raises privacy concerns as it allows websites to track and identify users across different sessions and websites.

What does this script do

The "No-Fingerprint" script adds random noise to the browser's rendering results, preventing websites from accurately reading data such as screen resolution, color depth, and installed plugins. By doing so, it helps eliminate the ability to create distinctive browser fingerprints and enhances user privacy.

How to use

This script can be installed either as a userscript or as a browser extension/add-on.
  1. Install a userscript manager, such as Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey.
  2. Open the script page on Greasy Fork: No-Fingerprint Forked by @janandreiiii
  3. Install the script from the provided link.